Viewing posts in: Anti-Ageing

Anti-aging – More than just a word?

A little over a year ago, Allure Magazine decided to ditch the term anti-aging.     In their September 2017 issue (featuring the gorgeous Helen Mirren on the cover) they stated: “This issue is the long-awaited, utterly necessary celebration of growing into your own skin — wrinkles and all. No one is suggesting giving up retinol. But changing the way we think about aging starts with changing the way we talk about aging. With that in mind, and starting with this issue, we are making a resolution to stop using…

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Peter Thomas Roth Rose Stem Cell Mask – Magic bullet

This blog post uses affiliate links. Please read disclaimer. In medicine, there is the term “magic bullet”. It refers to the ONE pill/treatment/procedure that will singlehandedly cure a severe illness. Once in a while something new comes along, shows promising results in the first studies, hopes get high… until time (and more research) shows, that it might be, indeed, a great addition to the existing procedures, but not the “Magic bullet” we secretly hoped for.     Sadly (shh, don´t tell my daughter) that is not the kind of magic…

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Why I think you should still play video games

“Still?” is the question I get asked most when I mention it. “You still play video games?” Yes. Yes I do.     I started at the tender age of 11, on my C 64 with 5,25“ floppy disks and classics like “Bubble Bobble”, briefly touched on the whole “Age of Empire” series in LAN-parties with friends and then discovered the world of MMORPG, namely World of Warcraft. Which just released it´s latest addon, “Battle for Azeroth”, on August 14th. Now my raiding days are behind me, I just can´t keep…

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Instytutum Flawless Skin Mask – Abbrevations

This post contains *PR-Samples and affiliate links. For more info please read disclaimer. Abbrevations are always a source of amusement for me. As are alliterations (see what I did there?), but for a different kind of reason. The abbrevations you use tell a lot about where you are coming from and, as there are multiple uses for most of them, can lead to quite some confusion. Take TCD for example. For the longest time, a TCD to me was a transcranial Doppler, something you do in neurosurgical patients to evaluate…

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Firm skin – Everything you need to know

This post contains *PR-Samples and affiliate links. For more info please read disclaimer. In a world where science based blogs pop up right left and center, I want to draw attention to an aphorism that, albeit in different form, has been around for as long as 300 BCE: “Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” Or, put more simple: Just because we don´t have proof that something works, that doesn´t mean that it doesn´t work. Maybe we just don´t have the research to back it up.     Especially…

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