Viewing posts in: Antiageing

Firm skin – Everything you need to know

This post contains *PR-Samples and affiliate links. For more info please read disclaimer. In a world where science based blogs pop up right left and center, I want to draw attention to an aphorism that, albeit in different form, has been around for as long as 300 BCE: “Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” Or, put more simple: Just because we don´t have proof that something works, that doesn´t mean that it doesn´t work. Maybe we just don´t have the research to back it up.     Especially…

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Doctor Duve Boosting Eye Cream – Aren´t we all human?

Aren´t we all human? When I grew up, I had an amazing family doctor. In fact, I still have her, now that I moved back to my hometown. I grew up with a lot of faith in her decisions, recommendations and in her as a person. Problem is: I extended that to all the other doctors I would consult. Be it my dermatologist for cystic acne aged 12, my gynecologist once I turned 14 or, later in life, my tutors and teachers when studying medicine myself.     But I…

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