Viewing posts in: Diet

We get the glow – Our final thoughts

Of course I had expectations when starting this challenge. Some were met, some weren´t and I was in for a few surprises. Caffeine withdrawal, for example.     And of course I had some expectations after finishing. Which I, technically, just did yesterday. But it was my birthday a week ago, and six weeks was all about incorporating the changes you made for the last weeks into your daily life, so we decided to see how a day with sugar would affect our general mood and well-being. I had some…

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Intermittent fasting and my 9 months postpartum body update

After filming my 6 months postpartum update where I talked about my diet and exercise routine, I received a lot of questions about Intermittent Fasting, or interval fasting as it is called in Germany.     Some of the questions were repetitive, so I decided to go into more depth with this video, covering the scientific background, different options of how to do it and the beneficial effects it has on your health, even if you don´t need to loose any weight.

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My diet and exercise routine – 6 months postpartum update

I promised I´d wear a bikini for our France holiday, and I did. 6 months after having my son, and not completely satisfied yet, but proud of the progress I have made. In this video I share with you my diet and exercise routine, or at least what I did before I completely fell off the bandwagon while moving. For comparison see me 3 months update here. Aktivieren Sie JavaScript um das Video zu sehen.   Please watch in HD and on YouTube for the ultimate viewing pleasure. Oh, and…

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