Viewing posts in: Morning Routine

Why you don´t have to be a morning person to be successful

Just to get things straight: I AM a morning person. With a brief exception, a period of time when I had to be woken at 10 am to attend the family breakfast (I believe it is a crucial part of adolescense we all go through), I have always been an early riser.     I am most productive before noon, I prefer to work out in the mornings and if I get lost in procrastination before 10 am chances are that I am not going to get anything done for the whole…

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Winter Morning Skincare Routine 2017

This blog post contains PR-Samples and affiliate links. Please see disclaimer. I would consider myself a morning person. Getting up early, the day at my hands and full of adventure feels amazing. Of course “morning” starts when it gets bright and light outside, and here, dear reader, I am facing a problem. Because now, the longest night of the year only a few sleeps away, it doesn’t get bright and light until around 8 am. And by that time I have been up at least two hours already.    …

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My Morning Skincare Routine – Summer 2017

When I say summer, I actually mean spring/ summer. Or even more precisely, the warmer months starting around April and lasting until end of September.     My skin is combination oily, aging and acne prone. Ever since I started using a prescription strength retinol a few times a week it can be dehydrated, but never dry. The t-zone gets pretty shiny throughout the day and I wear contacts, which means that my eyes can be sensitive when it comes to eye cream. After letting you under my skin like…

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