Viewing posts in: Skincare

May Lindstrom Honey Mud – Victorian literature

This blog post contains affiliate links. Please read disclaimer. Do you read the Brontë sisters? I admit I have a weakness for Victorian literature, ever since I first started Jane Eyre on a rainy autumnal afternoon. Of course I wouldn’t want to actually live in this epoche, but books tend to skim over things like Womens Rights, health care and poverty and instead focus on haunted mansions, horses and unfulfilled, but fiery love.       And, especially with the Brontë sisters, on nature. Roses, the endless moor and storm…

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Caudalie Premier Cru Serum – Motivation

Motivation can come from different sources. Like, you motivate yourself because you really want something. Or you are motivated by something external, like the bonus you´ll get if your work turns out superior.     And sometimes you are motivated by another person. Your wife, for example. Like it happened in the case of developing the Caudalie Premier Cru Serum. Dr. David Sinclair (Harvard) was approached by Caudalie with a research question and almost declined the offer. Almost. Until his wife said: “Oh, Caudalie? I use a lot of their stuff.”…

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Avon Anew Perfect Skin – Overview and recommendations

This blogpost contains *PR-Samples and affiliate links. Please read disclaimer. I love testing new products (I know, I know, what else is new?), but there is one thing that I enjoy even more. Testing new lines of products. Something about the matching packaging, the matching claims, the feeling that I am entering a whole new planet of skincare instead of just a small part – it never gets old.     Even though I admit that very rarely a whole line of new skincare convinces me enough to make it into…

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The Ordinary “Buffet” – Talk science to me!

This blog post contains affiliate links. Please read disclaimer. It would have been so easy to talk about food in this intro. I mean, come on, “Buffet”? Something along the lines of “Do you prefer it over a la carte?” or “Do you think we eat more or less when there is buffet?” But I refuse to take the easy road (I save that for late night blog post writing mere hours before something needs to be published) and instead want to talk about a change that I have noticed…

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MV Organic Skincare Pure Jojoba – Not in my bathroom

This post contains affiliate links. Please see disclaimer. I like luxury skincare, that is no secret. But I don´t like using high end just for the sake of it. If there is a drugstore item that does the job at half the price just as good, I am going to use that one. Sometimes though there are products that can be easily duped for their main purpose, but are unique when used for something else. Like the MV Organic Skincare Pure Jojoba. I got it as a gift with purchase,…

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The Ordinary EUK 134° 0,1% – Superheroes

This blog post contains affiliate links. Please read disclaimer. Do you have a favorite superhero? Or a favorite super power? I have! Both actually. My favorite superhero is Mystique, and my favorite power is her power, which is changing her appearance at will. Kind of what I try to do with makeup every day.     Don´t get me wrong, I like how I look, but being able to change it up occasionally would be fascinating. I do feel though, that the superpower I´d need the most would be a different…

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Silicones in skincare – the facts

Is there an ingredient in skincare that receives more hate than silicones? Probably. SLS, just to name one. Or fragrance, like I recently discovered (here). But for the sake of style, let´s just asssume that the answer is: No!     And then focus on the fact whether or not the hate that seems to run so deep in the beauty community is actually scientifically backed up. I mean, you are probably already guessing it by reading this introduction, but let´s approach the discussion with an open mind and see what I…

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The Ordinary Matrixyl 10% + HA

This blog post contains affiliate links. Please read disclaimer.   Sometimes a tiny letter can make a huge difference. Make you question things, for example. In cosmetic science, that letter is usually a “v”. Why a “v” you ask? And imagine how great it would have been had I said a “y” -Y a “y”? Because “in vivo” sounds pretty similar to “in vitro”, but in terms of results there is a huge difference.     See, many ingredients proove their claim on human cells. In the lab, in petri…

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pixi Rose Cream Cleanser – A rose

This blogpost contains *PR-samples and affiliate links. Please read disclaimer.   “A rose is a rose is a rose…” I bet you have heard that before. The sentence was written by Gertrude Stein as part of her poems. It is often interpreted as meaning “things are what they are”, a statement of the law of identity. In Stein’s view, the sentence expresses the fact that simply using the name of a thing already invokes the imagery and emotions associated with it.     But I bet you are not here for an…

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New In Beauty April 2018: pixi, Caudalie and more

This blogpost contains affiliate links and *PR-Samples. Please read disclaimer.   Back when I first started getting into makeup, I would often raid my mothers stash. Apply her lipsticks, ruin her rouge, drench myself in her perfume – basically making a big mess. Now that I am grown up (and a blogger), things are usually the other way round.     She plays with my lipsticks, inherits my eye cream and enjoys the packages that arrive at my doorstep just as much as I do. But when I opened her…

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