Viewing posts in: We get the glow

We get the glow – Our final thoughts

Of course I had expectations when starting this challenge. Some were met, some weren´t and I was in for a few surprises. Caffeine withdrawal, for example.     And of course I had some expectations after finishing. Which I, technically, just did yesterday. But it was my birthday a week ago, and six weeks was all about incorporating the changes you made for the last weeks into your daily life, so we decided to see how a day with sugar would affect our general mood and well-being. I had some…

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We get the glow – Looking back at week three

I just realized I managed to write three blogpost about Diet Coke. Three! In a row! I guess this is an all time low, both for my nutrition and my writing. So no more rambling about fizzy drinks, on to my next rant: Going gluten free.     As we enter week four of the challenge, it is time to focus on the gut. Beat the bloat is the title of the corresponding chapter, and while I wholeheartedly agree with the importance of healthy gut bacteria (great topic, I know),…

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We get the glow: Week one – The Recap

We are way into week two already as I write this, but I won’t give anything away. This is about week one, and as much as I want to tell you all about my struggles, I will exercise self-control and stay true to the timeline.     This is about week one, and let me tell you, it was a hard week. At least for me. My mother wasn’t affected much. She has always been the one with the healthier eating habits. But for me, everything Madeleine wrote about the…

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