Viewing posts in: Baby

Intermittent fasting and my 9 months postpartum body update

After filming my 6 months postpartum update where I talked about my diet and exercise routine, I received a lot of questions about Intermittent Fasting, or interval fasting as it is called in Germany.     Some of the questions were repetitive, so I decided to go into more depth with this video, covering the scientific background, different options of how to do it and the beneficial effects it has on your health, even if you don´t need to loose any weight.

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My diet and exercise routine – 6 months postpartum update

I promised I´d wear a bikini for our France holiday, and I did. 6 months after having my son, and not completely satisfied yet, but proud of the progress I have made. In this video I share with you my diet and exercise routine, or at least what I did before I completely fell off the bandwagon while moving. For comparison see me 3 months update here. Aktivieren Sie JavaScript um das Video zu sehen.   Please watch in HD and on YouTube for the ultimate viewing pleasure. Oh, and…

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Weight loss and body changes after pregnancy

There were many things I wanted to know when I got pregnant. I wanted to know if I would be a good mom. I wanted to know how my life was going to change. I wanted to know what labor would feel like. And, superficial woman that I am, I wanted to know how my body would change and how (and if) I would ever get back to my pre-baby body. Bounce back, as it is called these days.     Now, two pregnancies later, it is the question that always…

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What´s in my hospital bag – the second time around

Now I am aware that it is time for my “Favorite Face of…” series aka my monthly makeup favorites, but with a newborn around, the war paint I am going to wear (if any) will neither be interesting nor adventurous, so I decided to film a “What´s in my hospital bag” video for you instead.   It is a long one, so if baby stuff isn’t your thing, you are probably better off just not watching it, and if you are pressed for time, there will be a list of the…

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Time saviors – Surviving as a new mom

The one thing I remember from being a new mom last time is the strange way your days feel. On the one hand, they seem endless. Constant feeding, sleeping for short periods of time only and the frequent need to nappy change make your days feel like they never end. Maybe because they never end. There is no bedtime, no end-of work, no weekend. It is just the same stuff over and over again.     On the other hand, there just isn’t enough time. Even though you wake up at…

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Body image after giving birth

Now that you are reading this, Peanut will most likely have arrived and I will be completely caught up in the wants and needs of this tiny human being. And while the first weeks (months?) after welcoming a new member of the family are usually spend in a fog caused by hormones, sleep deprivation and utter exhaustion, I know that I will someday emerge, look into a mirror and try my very best not to hate what I see.     This post, of course, needs a disclaimer. I am fully aware…

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Necessary changes and my 39 weeks bump update

I may have mentioned it a few times before: I am quite a perfectionist. I can´t do things in a relaxed, easy way, and I struggle with giving myself a break. And as much as I tell myself that blogging is a hobby and should be treated as such, the last weeks have seen me at my desk pretty much 9 to 5, writing, scheduling and ticking off to do lists.     Just like a full-time job. Only without the salary. It all worked out very well. I have a lot…

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Stretch mark prevention and my 33 weeks bump update

I hate to be the one to break the horrible news to you, but there is no scientifically proven, fool-proof way to prevent stretch marks on a pregnant body. The main reason for this is the fact that stretch marks are lacerations deep down in the connective tissue of the skin caused by the necessary expansion, in an area no cream or oil is able to penetrate. But don’t loose hope. There still are some things you can do to decrease the risk a little.

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Staying focused when working from home (plus my 24 weeks bump update)

To be honest, I am not actually “working” from home. I am mainly off work and on modified bed rest (read here why), but I quickly found myself some projects to work on to keep me busy. And while I love being busy, I am also big on procrastinating and watching YouTube videos, so I had to figure out ways to stay focused throughout the day. Now whether you are a student, self-employed or trying to fit in blogging while balancing a full-time job and a toddler, chances are that you have done…

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Pregnancy Skincare and my 20 weeks bump update

One of the most annoying things about being pregnant is that everyone feels entitled to tell you what you should or should not be doing. Some of the most bizarre things I was told throughout my first pregnancy was to stop riding a bike because it would instantly induce labour (I was week eleven) and to stop wearing my skull t-shirt because mothers should only wear symbols of love and flowers, otherwise the baby would be scared away. These things are easily identified as complete nonsense, but there are others…

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