Viewing posts in: Blog

Thoughts on being a 30+ blogger

There are age categories for everything, and usually I don’t pay them much attention. My skincare for example ranges from products aimed at teenage skin to an ampoule targeted at skin 60+ (here is the latest routine).     Age is a number and a privilege and doesn’t define us. Or does it? A few days ago my fellow “mature” blogger Toni from Sheer Gloss and I chatted on Twitter about blogging after you reach a certain age. Which sounds awful. Mature, certain age… I am still the one giggling…

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Changes – Not my typical blogpost

As the title gives away, I am here to talk about changes. Necessary changes, that I briefly mentioned here already and that are based on the changes my life has gone through. How many times can I say changes in the first paragraph?   Many of you will know already, I had my second child this month. And if you have children yourself (or know someone who has and suddenly disappeared completely), you will know how little time is suddenly left in your day for all the things you used to…

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