Viewing posts in: take a break

How to make the most of a break

Don’t get me wrong, I love an evening on the couch binge watching Netflix as much as everyone else. But if you are really exhausted, that just won’t cut it in terms of recovery. Emotional and mental fatigue are a common problem in these fast paced times, and they can have a huge impact not only on your quality of life, but on your creativity as well.     Not long ago I felt fatigué, was contemplating quitting this blog and You Tube and creating content was cumbersome (read why).…

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Creativity – Revisiting my New Years Goals 2018

Half of the year is gone by now, and while I don´t want to join the chorus of those that express their surprise about how time is flying (it isn´t, at least not always, but I will come to that another time), I do want to take the opportunity to reflect on how far I have come with what I wanted to achieve. And to address upcoming changes, which I, ironically, also did six months ago, in my first blog post after my Christmas break. I promise it is not…

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